The Serenity Act

Let’s normalize rest. Since our inception on World Peace Day in 2020, we have helped thousands of individuals around the globe experience an oasis of serenity through intentional rest. As a result, more than 91% of our guests have changed their lifestyle to prioritize their well-being.

Imagine the collective impact if every American had this same opportunity. This is why we are urging our government leaders, private sector executives and policy makers to support every American by granting them one week of paid mental health leave.

the serenity act

the serenity act

The petition for The Serenity Act commences a global effort to advocate for one of the most meaningful, indigenous wellness practices of our lives: rest. To do this, it’s essential that we make this equitable and offer one week of paid mental health leave to every American.

When introduced appropriately, rest has the power to free us from some of the most grave societal ills, and foster an incomparable peace of mind. Once we transition into a mindset of rest, so much can be revealed. Its illuminating attributes are precisely the intention for you and every human being.

How, you ask?

  • Dream it.

    It all begins with you. Your mere existence is worthy to experience rest right now, in this moment, exactly where you are. So take the time to be still. Rest. Rest, friend. Relish in the beauty of stillness. With curiosity, and perhaps, a bit of imagination. And if you find it fruitful, glorious, and illuminating, we invite you to sign the petition.

  • Champion it.

    We’re seeking to build The Serenity Act Coalition. This group is composed of individuals, organizations and corporations who will champion this legislation. Do you aspire to create Generational Peace? If so, join us on this journey.